I like Mathematics. It’s my favorite subject ever since I was in Primary School. Even until now, time passes by so fast whenever I’m studying Mathematics.
I think part of the reason is that when I was little, my dad taught me Mathematics. Whenever I came back from school and had Mathematics homework, I would ask him to teach me. He also came out with his own questions as an exercise for me. He taught me multiplication, division, and even BODMAS. I remember I always get excited whenever he came back for work because that means I have Mathematics questions to answer. I guess for me it was kind of a bonding time for me and my father.
Besides, learning from my father means that I actually learned Mathematics earlier than what the teacher taught in class. So whenever the teacher asked questions in class, I was able to answer and I get praised. It felt good.
As I enter Secondary School, Mathematics gets harder. But that didn’t stop me from loving Mathematics. The feeling of being able to solve the problem felt good.
Even until now, I still enjoy doing Mathematics. I can sit for hours trying to find a solution to a problem but when I get the answer, it feels good.
I just finished my Mathematics mid-term this week so I thought I’m going to share how I study Mathematics with you guys!
Practice Makes Perfect!

I love this quote because it applies to everything! And the same goes for Mathematics! I find it hard to memorize formulas. And even harder to memorize the steps. So the best way is to practice and practice until you are so familiar with the questions that you don’t even need to think. This will also help to save time.
Focus on What You Know!

Now, this is when I don’t have enough time to revise everything. Instead of trying to cram the topics that I’m not sure of a day before the tests, I would usually just revise on the things that I really know of. This way I won’t get confused and mixed them up.

I include sleep because sleep really is important whenever it comes to tests and exams. And this also includes Mathematics tests. While Mathematics doesn’t usually require any memorization, having not enough sleep will really block your brain. I was guilty of this before where I cram everything and burnt the midnight oil for a Mathematics test. On the day itself, I couldn’t think at all and couldn’t even answer a simple question. That’s when I never believed in burning the midnight oil to study anymore.
Write Down the Formulas!

I usually write down all the formulas in a piece of paper where I can see them all. Since some formulas are almost the same or almost look the same, this way I get to see them clearer and see the differences in the formulas. Then, I will be able to determine which formula is for which problems.
So there you go! 4 things I usually do to prepare for my Mathematics test and that had worked for me. What do you usually do to prepare for a test?